Thursday, March 13, 2008

Information Design Planning

A week or so ago, Tom Crawford sent me a link to the PDF, "Visualizing Design for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design." In my opinion it's a great little primer on information design for those of us who don't have any experience with it.

They outline a process for planning an information design campaign as well as providing a lot of examples of information graphics along the way.

While it's a great stand alone piece, I wanted to reinforce some of the concepts as well as create a simple one page cheat sheet that captured the basic process, so I decided a mind map would be a good idea. I looked at a few of the online web-base mind mapping tools that someone mentioned in a comment here awhile back, but I didn't see any that offered the ability to create a mind map with anything more than just simple lines for branches and boxes. For some reason I was stuck on the idea that I needed to use arrows as my branches so I opted to hand sketch the mind map instead. The result is below. I also incorporated a little bit of Dan Roam's material since it seemed to make so much sense. It's on the Assessing Available Data branch.

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